عالم تصميم

الجمعة، 25 فبراير 2011

اسطوانه تعليم لغات برمجه


اقدم لكم اسطوانه برمجه تحتوى على الكثير من الشرح اسمها
LinuxCBT DBMS (Mysql, PHP) Edition Total

تحتوى على مايأتى

Course Objectives:

DBMS Edition feat. MySQL

* MySQL Installation
o Introduction to MySQL 5
o Discuss DBMS system specifications
o Identify existing MySQL-installed components
o Explore file-system layout

* Terminal Monitor Shell Client
o Discuss Terminal Monitor concepts
o Explain the default privileges configuration
o Connect to the DBMS using anonymous privileges

* User Administration
o Identify the currently logged-in user
o Connect to MySQL DBMS as root and explore the interface
o Attempt to connect to the DBMS as invalid users and discuss the results
o Attempt to connect from a remote host and evaluate results
o Discuss the primary methods of tightening the default security scheme
o Tighten the default privileges for the root user

* Show Commands & Options Files
o Explain the usages of key SHOW commands
o Expose DBMS privileges for currently authenticated user
o Expose DBMS privileges for other defined users
o List all databases available on the system

* Key MySQL Client Utilities
o Focus on mysql terminal monitor utility
o Discuss & demonstrate mysql client modes
o Discuss command-line option types
o Output queries to standard /HTML|XML|TXT/ formats
o Exclude column-headers from output for easy import into other applications
o Use options file to control startup variables
o Focus on mysqladmin utility

* Key Data Manipulation Language (DML) Statements
o Discuss common DML statements
o Focus on SELECT DML statement
o Optimize SELECT statements with WHERE clauses to define criteria
o Discuss SELECT operators /=|=|!=|etc/
o Perform pattern matching using WHERE clause with LIKE operator & wildcards
o Influence the order of SELECT output using ORDER BY
o Extend criteria definition and optimize queryies using AND clause
o Return result-set INTO output ASCII text file using SELECT INTO
o Redirect result-set to AWK and extract interesting fields

* Key Data Types
o Focus on Numeric data-types
o Use describe to expose defined data-types for columns
o Discuss unsigned and auto incremented column attributes
o Discuss /TINYINT|SMALLINT|MEDIUMINT|INT|BIGINT/ capacity and applications
o Discuss FLOAT capacity and applications
o Discuss DOUBLE capacity and applications
o Discuss DECIMAL capacity and applications
o Discuss BIT capacity and applications
o Define a table with TINYINT column

* Key Data Definition Language (DDL) Statements
o Focus on CREATE DDL statement
o Describe how MySQL maps database containers to the file system
o CREATE DATABASE container to house new tables
o Define the requirements /auto_increment|primary key|etc/ of new base tables
o Define the CREATE TABLE syntax for new base tables based on selected data types
o Execute statement and evaluate results of recently-created tables

o Discuss the features & benefits of using JOINS to access normalized data
o Normalize the data structure, using ALTER TABLE, to prepare for using joins
o Use seq to generate normalized data and import using mysqlimport
o Discuss the various types of supported JOINS /EQUI|NATURAL|LEFT|RIGHT|INNER|OUTER/
o Define and execute EQUIJOINS
o Define and execute NATURAL JOINS

o Discuss the features & benefits of using VIEWS
o Use DESCRIBE to identify interesting VIEW candidate-columns
o Explain VIEW-creation syntax

* Stored Routines (Functions & Procedures)
o Discuss Stored Routines components and applications
o Focus on Stored Procedures
o Discuss required privileges
o Explain how to invoke stored procedure
o Define useful stored procedures
o Use SHOW to reveal stored procedures and important attributes

* Replication Configuration
o Explore uses of replication
o Illustrate MySQL Master-Slave replication model
o Discuss binary logging requirements
o Updated configuration on Master & Slave servers to reflect replicaiton requirements

* Logging
o Discuss the default log file nomenclature
o Explain & examine the contents of the ERROR log file

* Win32 Integration
o Connect to Windows 2003 host and download MySQL Administrator
o Install MySQL Administrator
o Connect to Linux-based MySQL instance and explore key variables

* Storage Engines
o Discuss the MyISAM storage engine
o Explain the usages and limitations of the Memory storage engine
o Confirm Memory storage engine support
o Create memory-based tables using the Memory storage engine
o Focus on the CSV storage engine
o Confirm support for the CSV storage engine
* phpMyAdmin
o Discuss the benefits and applications of phpMyAdmin
o Install & configure Apache HTTPD
o Download & install phpMyAdmin
o Secure phpMyAdmin's access to MySQL DBMS
o Explore phpMyAdmin's interface
o Perform many shell-based queries, graphically

* PHP5 Integration
o Uninstall PHP 4.x
o Download & install PHP 5.x packages & relevant modules /MySQL|SSL|etc./
o Explore the PHP Command Line Interface (CLI)
o Interface PHP CLI to MySQL & return results
o Implement PHP->MySQL error handling using conditions & OO-functions
o Execute useful PHP->MySQL methods
o Define HTML forms
o Process HTML forms using PHP

* Explore Additional MySQL Utilities
o Use MySQLShow to return useful data
o Use MyISAMCheck & MySQLCheck

* MySQL with SSH Tunnel
o Discuss benefits
o Implement SSH tunnel
o Use MySQL utilities across secure tunnel
o Evaluate results

* MySQL on Windows Server
o Install MySQL
o Explore configuration
o Communicate between Linux & Windows
o Transfer data between Linux & Windows
o Implement MySQL Workbench
o Evaluate results

* MySQL Instances
o Discuss features & benefits
o Configure multiple instances
o Transfer data
o Evaluate results





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